Bird : Review by Molly

Andrea Arnold’s Bird is such a unique and heartwarming depiction of the concept of self and ‘found family’.

The use of light and camera techniques really brought the storyline together. I thoroughly enjoyed Arnold’s metaphoric use of nature and animals, specifically birds, to symbolise Bailey’s longing for freedom from a life in the fringes and from having to ‘take care’ of everything all the time.

Arnold also makes use of the concept of children’s curiosity and imagination through Bailey’s desire to be in her brother’s gang, and of course when she meets the intriguing character of Bird. These moments of curiosity help to highlight that her character is still just a child, despite Arnold’s portrayal of her life in a lower class/ outcasted community.

Beyond the storyline, I found that the use of 16mm film further ‘involved’ me within the storyline as it resembled Bailey’s own videos from her phone.

One of my favourite aspects of the film, however, was the subtle use of the graffiti on the walls to remind the audience what the film is truly about, despite it’s darker/ sadder scenes – love and hope.  Love for one’s family, blood and found, and hope that all will be well. 

Review by Molly L.